The flesh and blood in sequels

I’m wondering about a sequel to Harbouring.

Sequels are fun because your characters – or some of them – are already alive in your mind. And with so much interest – and controversy – these days in our early colonial history, it seems important to explore ideas around that time. What were the big issues and how did ordinary people, Māori and Pākehā react to those issues?

In an historical novel I need to put flesh and blood onto those early people. What did they wear, eat, work at? What did they feel during times of tension and war? Many of their reactions will be the same as ours. We are all human. Love, fear anger, frustration, despair pleasure, singing and dancing are common to homo sapiens since we emerged as a distinct branch of mammal. But capturing people at one specific block of time, is a fascinating challenge to me.

So get cracking Jenny.

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